DICK HYMAN - The Minotaur

"My objective is to humanize electronic music" said Dick Hyman! Focus on the Moog maestro, and particularly on the titled track "the minotaur" from The electric eclectics of Dick Hyman LP. Four elements are involved in this remarkably rhythmic and melodic improvisation. First is the rythm unit which is blended of two: a bossa nova and a waltz. To this is added a drone effect, like a tambourine, played with the synthesizer. Then the repetitive bass line is laid in (and will resound in your head for hours!). Finally, the synth melody line. The style is a mixture of Indian and Greek musical influences. The germ of the idea for the solo melody came from a Greek record in Dick's collection! We come back next week with our radio program...

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1 commentaire:

  1. You, my friend, are DIGGIN'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
